Meet Scholarminds Students
Meet our Scholars
Tomorrow Starts Now
Know Whats our Scholars say
Our Scholars Preparing for a bigger world
Work of our scholars speak more than there flashy academic records. Check out unedited videos of real time sessions within the premise.
Explorer clubs
We encourage our young innovators to convert the knowledge from and beyond the text books;Â to real tangible application projects.
Gateway to world of Innovations
Results_Olympiad Junior Scholars
Rishit Pavate
Gold Medal
Class 3
Aditya S
Medal of Distinction
Class 2
Raunak Biswas
Gold Medal
Class 3
Gold Medal
Class 9
Gold Medal
Class 9
Silver Medal
Class 6
Silver Medal
Class 7
Gold Medal
Class 7
Explorer clubs
Junior Scholars Review
Our Junior Scholars are mentored and nurtured with special care to inculcate strong fundamentals and love for learning.
A Bridge Gap Scholar
Know Whats our Scholars say
In holidays, in summer, in noon..
when students come to Math & Science sessions, daily for 2 hours and sit through the class sessions and participate actively.
Our Bridge Gap Scholar Sakina, talking about the sessions.
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Testimonials of past participants
Real time pictured of programs
Real time unedited program videos
Recent updates
Programs for Juniors Scholars- Class 1-5
Clubs, Short term & Long term programs
Summer Programs
Scholarships and Tests
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To meet scholars in live action