Free Downloads
Yet not part of Scholarminds Programs?
In this section, we offer free resources to those students who are distant learners and not part of Scholarminds Classroom coaching programs.
Go ahead, register for Free resources and get access to the unique resources that help to accelerate & reach all learning goals.
All you have to do is to download the resources each week and use them to your most advantage.
Happy learning!
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Program Related Information
Here you can download the program related information viz brochures, timetables, latest exam updates and information about academics
For receiving such many free resources, register as a FREE DISTANT LEARNER
Ongoing Program Timetables and Material
Limited Admissions available- Only for below Classes. Timetables of available Batch and Material list of each program can be downloaded here
For receiving such many free resources, register as a FREE DISTANT LEARNER
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Real time unedited program videos
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Clubs, Short term & Long term programs
Programs for Juniors Scholars- Class 1-5
Summer Programs