Dear Parent,
Exposing students to Tabs/Mobile phones/Digital media for learning results in:
1. Better understanding of concepts but worsened applications of the very same concepts.
2. Lesser time to grasp but SHORTER attention span.
3. More engagement in Tabs but lesser interaction with peer learners and teachers.
4. Gets their answers promptly but Kills the inquisitiveness in students.
5. Get greater ideas and contents but lesser interest to learn meaningfully.
What you can do?
Reduce or Remove TAB based learning in the foundation years of children (till age 16).
What are the Revolutionary factors needed?
Well, they are very basic-
1. Get off Tabs. Embrace Labs.
2. Find mentors & subject experts for your children.
3. Involve and Let them evolve.
Where are these alternatives available:
We welcome you to explore and join the league of Serial Academic toppers and Olympiad winners who testify
that learning the Scholarminds way assures a brighter and exciting future!
