Dr Poonam Mongal
Mathsmastermind Trainer
Energetic and driven, Dr Poonam joined the team and started delivering the MathsMastermind programs in engaging online sessions, completely mesmerizing participants in her batch. Dr Poonam is based in Divyashree Republic of Whitefield- Bangalore and also conducts online sessions.
Ph.D. (Pharmaceutics) Savitribai Phule Pune University (SPPU), Pune.
Patent agent Government of India (Controller General of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks)
M. Tech (Pharma Biotech) National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education & Research (NIPER), SAS Nagar, Punjab.
B. Pharm University Of Pune, Pune.
A Certified Mathsmastermind Trainer
Professional Experience
3+ years Teaching Experience
Affiliated as Visiting Lecturer at N.D.M.V.P.S’ College of pharmacy, Nashik, Maharashtra from June 2017 to present.
3+ years work experience as Market Research Analyst in Research analytics and Insight, Indegene Lifesystems Ltd., Bangalore, Karnataka
Research Associate in R&D Advanced Enzymes Ltd., Nashik, Maharashtra.
2 years+ extensive content research and training experience of Mathsmastermind Programs.
Was awarded a fellowship of Department of Biotechnology (DBT) by Ministry of Human Resources & Development (HRD), Government of India during M.Tech.
Qualified GATE organized by IIT Kanpur during Final year B. Pharm.
High School Scholarship’ during schooling.